Have you ever wondered what is the difference between table salt vs sea salt? I have, and I finally took the time to look into it more. First, for a little background typically I buy sea salt when purchasing salt to go on food for flavoring.
But I always also have one large “regular” container of non-iodized table salt on hand in my pantry. This is the salt I use to make a solution for my neti pot and I tend to pull from this large container for any baking needs.
Table Salt vs Sea Salt
Differences Between Salts
Not all stores sell the non-iodized version, so it is important to note the distinction. I use a neti pot to as nasal irrigation when I have allergy issues or when I think a sinus infection is coming on.
Please note, if you have your own homemade neti pot saline solution you must use non-iodized salt. This is an important distinction over regular table salt which typically is iodized table salt. You can even buy neti pot salt packets to make this easier. What’s with the big hype over sea salt?
In my experience the use of sea salt in cooking and to flavor food has becoming increasingly popular over the past decade. Particularly, the availability of small salt grinders has saturated the market. I can easily pick up a plastic grinder filled with sea salt for a few dollars at my local Aldi.
I believe the prevalence of sea salt is related to both its intrinsic health benefits and the taste. Plus, I believe some people just think it’s cool or the thing to have. Table salt seems boring now, no?
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Table Salt
Health Benefits of Salt
Here are a few of the main differences between table salt vs sea salt I discovered during my research:
• The sodium content in both sea salt and table salt is the same.
• Sea salt is typically minimally processed.
• Table salt processing is what creates the fine crystals that mix best in recipes.
• Sea salt may contain trace minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.
• Most healthy adults receive adequate minerals from their normal diet, not from salt.
• Some may prefer sea salt for its unique texture, also resulting from its minimal processing.
Sea Salt
Sea Salt Versus Table Salt
The research regarding trace minerals in sea salt especially intrigues me. While I try to eat a healthy diet and take my vitamins every day, I’m sure I could benefit from an added boost of minerals. I further researched types of sea salt and the two which are most-frequently referenced for mineral content are a Pink Himalayan Salt and a brand harvested from coastal regions called Celtic Sea Salt.
I recently purchased my first bag of Celtic Sea Salt with the intention of refilling our salt grinder with this type of sea salt. I have yet to try the salt but am eager to. This salt is also gluten-free, kosher and paleo-friendly. I’ve heard it offers a unique, distinct taste. The company boasts the blend can contain up to 74 trace minerals and elements.
If you are looking for salt sourced locally in the USA I recently discovered Redmond Real Salt. This salt is harvested in the USA from an old salt mine. The price for this salt may be more affordable due to where it’s harvested from. It also contains trace minerals and nutrients.
I have also started to use sea salt more frequently when baking recipes which only require a pinch of salt or a small amount such as 1/8 of a teaspoon. A good example is when I make homemade pizza dough. I am now using sea salt instead of table salt. I will also sprinkle sea salt in my homemade pizza sauce, in soups and in stews.
Difference Between Iodized Salt and Non Iodized
As I mentioned earlier, some salts contain iodine and others do not. Iodine is a vital nutrient for your body and is important for your Thyroid gland in particular. I had my blood tested in 2014 and in 2016 and at those times I was not low on iodine, an essential nutrient for your body.
Usually I have a full-spectrum blood test conducted every two years and I will continue to monitor my results. You may want to check with your healthcare provider on your individual circumstances. Iodine has been added to salt in an effort to reduce iodine deficiency.
Iodine deficiency can be a problem in some parts of the world. Other sources of iodine include kelp and seafood. Unless you eat a lot of these foods, it is possible you could have iodine deficiency and in that case the table salt with iodine added is one source of iodine available. All sea salt is non iodized sea salt by nature.
Sea Salt vs Table Salt
In Summary
The differences between table salt and sea salt are minor from a practical standpoint. In the end it’s really up to your personal preferences as to which product you use.
I don’t buy salt very often due to the massive container it normally comes in. But next time I do, I think I’m going to stick to sea salt. There seems to be no harm in doing so.
What type of salt do you use and why?
Sources: American Heart Association, The New York Times, Mayo Clinic
We try not to use much salt at all to keep our blood pressure in check- I do not add it even when recipes call for it, and honestly we do not really notice any difference. We do keep a container of sea salt on hand, but rarely use it either.
I always tend to choose Sea Salt simply because it’s fancier looking. And may even make me use a bit less? Enjoyed your post!
Great post! I find that sea salt is much tastier and I use very little while cooking. I haven’t used regular table salt in years!
I have to admit I haven’t paid attention to the taste much but I will from now on!