Do you know a home gardener, someone who appreciates organic food or who wants to save money? Home canning is a wonderful hobby that supports all of these interests. That friend or family member would appreciate home canning gifts, which are actually quite affordable too.
Home canning gifts do not need to wait until a birthday or the holidays. They are a great gift option any time of the year, in particular during the summer and fall when food preservation is popular. I always knew I wanted to try home canning but I wasn’t sure when.
Home Canning Gifts
It was when I finally settled into our home that I delved into home canning. Now I make sure to can every summer, this summer I think I actually canned the most I ever have! It’s a fun hobby and allows me to not only save money, but preserve the harvest and allows me to feed my family and friends healthy food.
Home canning gifts are not expensive. In fact, many gifts only cost a few dollars and some are the perfect size for stocking stuffers. I have compiled a list of ideas that are perfect for the beginning home canner or the home canner who wants to continue honing their craft.
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My Home Canning Story
As I said, I always knew I wanted to try home canning. My grandmother would can fruits and vegetables and I have fond memories of her pulling these cans from the pantry for us to eat. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to learn home canning directly from her, but each time I perform home canning she is close to my heart.
Most of my home canning has been of fruit. I have made many types of jams and jellies. I would like to venture into vegetable canning – but haven’t done so just yet. Each year I look at the produce I am growing and purchasing and see what I might be able to can. I also like to can produce I purchased via pick-your-own fields.
If you are looking for Ball canning jars. These are the national approved retailers for Ball Canning:
Gifts for Home Canners
1) Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving: I recommend the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving as a great gift. Not only is this book affordable, but it also covers basically everything you need to know about home canning! I also read that the Blue Book was the standard today for learning proper home canning techniques.
2) Canning Jars: Of course, Ball Canning Jars. are one of the main elements required for canning. Gift a package of canning jars for a gift that will be used and needed! Jars come in many sizes some as small as 4 oz, which are great for jams or jellies. Large jars go up to 16 oz or more and can fit pickles and juices. These are other great gifts for someone who likes canning.
Gifts for Canners
3) Canning Lids and Bands: Next to canning jars, Ball Canning Lids and bands are needed. When jars are purchased they usually come with one of each but over time the home canner will definitely need more! I always need more lids, especially, because each lid can only be used one time. Lids and bands are also very affordable and the perfect stocking stuffer!
4) Regular or Low-Sugar Pectin: When I first started home canning I was worried about sugar content with jams and jellies. Depending on the home canner’s preference, there is both regular pectin and low-sugar pectin. Again, pectin is necessary in most recipes for jams, jellies and syrups. The Low-Sugar Pectin is my personal favorite.
5) Month by Month Produce Calendar: This is seriously the perfect gift for the home canner! Start the new year right with a hanging calendar that shows month by month exactly what fruit and vegetables are in season. Home canning is depending on growing or buying produce when it’s in it’s prime and in season. This calendar will be a great reminder.
6) Ball Canning Home Discovery Kit: For an affordable but robust home canning gift, purchase the Home Canning Discovery Kit. This perfect for the beginning canner and contains many of the tools they need to get started. This kit works well for water bath canning. The beginning canner may not want to invest in a pressure canner, so this kit allows them to perform home canning on their stove.
7) Ball Canning Utensil Set: While the Discovery Kit is a great way for the home canner to get started, the Ball Canning Utensil Set will flesh out all of the beginner home canning supplies. Purchase both kits for a robust gift! The utensil kit comes with many essential canning supplies. I have both kits and I have not needed to purchase any other supplies besides jars, lids and bands (as mentioned earlier!).
8) Ready-Made Canning Ingredients: The worst is when you are ready to do some home canning and you don’t have the spices needed to finish the recipe! Ball Canning makes these wonderful flavor kits that include all the spices needed for common home canning recipes such as: Pasta Sauce, Pickle Mix and Salsa Mix. Purchase one, or several, of these kits for home canning gifts! The kits are incredibly affordable at only a few dollars each.
9) A Large Pot: If your friend or family member is doing water bath canning on the stove, as I do, a large pot is one kitchen-ware that is needed. A special canning pot can be used. I use a stainless steel kitchen pot. The pot should be a very large size.
10) Dissolvable Jar Labels: These labels are great for the beginning home canner who wishes to gift their homemade items to friends and family! The Ball Dissolvable Labels provide a decorative way to mark is jar with the recipe or ingredients. The labels wash off, allowing the car to be used again. I use these labels whenever I gift home canned goods such as jams or jellies.
Gifts for Canning
In Summary
There are so many affordable canning gift ideas. I hope this list helps you select one, or several, gifts for a friend or family member who is passionate about home canning – or learning how to do canning.
Anyone who appreciates local or organic produce, who values saving money, or has their own home garden – might make a great candidate to become the next great home canner. Home canning allows me to save money and preserve fresh, natural and healthy foods for my family and friends.
Any questions about these gifts? Comment below. I am happy to help!