This website, Welcoming Simplicity, reflects my personal views and opinions. I am not a certified personal trainer, nor a registered dietician or certified financial planner. I am a professionally-trained writer with a personal interest in wellness, money, homemaking and gardening. This website is an outlet for my writing on these subjects.
Diligent efforts are made to make sure information on this website is accurate, however, I cannot guarantee that all information presented is up-to-date, complete or accurate.
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Product Reviews
I occasionally review products. I am not compensated for product reviews, unless otherwise stated. However, sometimes I am given a sample product as part of a review.
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In addition, Welcoming Simplicity is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Great efforts are made to ensure all affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.
Holly Hammersmith
President, Hammersmith Writing & Editing, LLC
(Last Updated: December 2020)