In the past I had the opportunity to try CLIF SHOT BLOKS and write up a CLIF SHOT BLOKS review. These gummy energy chews are made by CLIF Bar & Company, which is the same company that makes other popular foods for athletes including CLIF Bars and LUNA Bars.
These are energy chews designed for running. They are low calorie and designed to be easy to digest while exercising. The company changed the name to CLIF BLOKS in recent years, removing the SHOT part. My full product review is below.
This is a description of the product directly from the manufacturer website:
“CLIF SHOT BLOKS Energy Chews provide an optimum balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes. They’re easy to chew and to use with their convenient, performance-friendly packaging. CLIF SHOT BLOKS come in eight flavors. They are usually priced per packet or you can buy them in bulk for less.”
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I tried three packs of the CLIF SHOT BLOKS (Black Cherry, Citrus and Mountain Berry) and didn’t have any complaints. I was especially partial to the CLIF SHOT BLOKS with caffeine in them, as many readers know I’m a coffee lover at heart.
The blocks come caffeine-free, with a half-serving of caffeine added, or full strength with a full-serving of caffeine. As a kid was never really into “gummy worms” or the like, but I actually enjoyed the taste and texture of the CLIF SHOT BLOKS.
There are similar in consistency to a gummy, chew or gummy vitamin. They are shaped like a small square. They are designed to be a small burst of energy and you can eat as many, or as few, chews as you need during your workout or race.
As you can see in the photo below, there are a lot of different flavors. You can buy these in a variety pack to try all of the flavors or simply purchase the flavors you think you would most enjoy.
Typically an athlete would use these CLIF SHOT BLOKS as fuel on a long run or endurance event. While I haven’t tried the CLIF SHOT BLOKS out yet in any races, I used them during two of my long runs (7 and 8 miles each) and have had no issues.
I can’t say I felt any “jolt” of energy from the CLIF SHOT BLOKS, but I also wasn’t dragging. Later I did use these energy chews for my half-marathon. I had some during the race and actually had one before the race because while I ate breakfast I had to get to the race so early that it had already been a few hours since my breakfast until when the race actually started.
A lot of runners use gels when they run, and I have too. The chews might be preferable if you want something a little quicker. It’s really a matter of preference.
Also, similar to the energy gels many runners use, the chews are designed for quick and easy digestion. It can be hard to eat whole foods while running at the same time or when in a longer-distance endurance event.
I have often found directly after running I’m still not hungry and it takes some time for my body to adjust and build up an appetite again. I don’t think many runners use the energy chews because they are hungry but more as a preventative to hunger and to keep their body running optimally during their endurance event.
During the course of my CLIF SHOT BLOKS review, I learned they mostly contain carbohydrates for fuel. They come in a 6-pack which is two servings. Each serving is 100 calories each, or the equivalent of one typical energy gel. Each chew is about 33 calories by itself.
After writing this review I began buying CLIF SHOT BLOKS on my own and continue to use them during long runs and when I run half-marathons. I haven’t found a flavor I do not like, but if you are trying CLIF SHOT BLOKS for the first time I would recommend trying the CLIF SHOT BLOKS variety pack to find your favorite flavors.
As I mentioned some of the running chews contain caffeine but not all. All of the chews also contain electrolytes to help keep the body hydrated. Many athletes lose electrolytes and sweat heavily during their events.
In Summary
CLIF SHOT BLOKS are an energy option for runners and endurance athletes alike. You do not need to be a runner to use these. They could work well for cyclists and other endurance athletes as well. They are portable and come in convenient packaging so if you only want to eat one or two chews you can easily keep the rest in the package.
Have you tried energy chews for running?
Disclosure: I am not compensated for product reviews, unless otherwise stated. I was given a free sample of the product in exchange for writing a CLIF SHOT BLOKS review. Some links within this post are affiliate links.
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I learned that Clif is helping to build trails… now that is cool!
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I didn’t know Clif had a foundation and a winery! Too cool! I love the Clif shots – got a sample from my local Fleet Feet – but had no idea they had all those flavors! Yum!
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i didn’t know how organic they really are. i’ve been the logo on the bars but didn’t know how extensive they followed it!
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I posted the contest on the upper left of my blog
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I’ve liked them on FB for a loooong time…
I leanred they have a new flavor of Mojo Bars (I love those bars…) Chocolate Almond Coconut! I usually go through 2 of these along with 4 of their Gels on my long runs
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I visited the Clif Bar website and learned all about their ‘food philosophy’~!
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I’m a follower 🙂
I liked Clif Bar on facebook.
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I learned that they have an RD that answers questions on their site.
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just read this is for U.S. entrants only. Drat! count me out.
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I didn’t know that CLIF bar and LUNA bar were the same company.
I subscribed to your feeds… cannot see how else to follow your blog.
I am new to it so glad to find it.
I freaking love the margarita shot bloks!!!!!
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I learned that Clif uses organic ingredients. I love all of their products and they are good for me!
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I had no idea Clif uses only organic ingredients – definitely learned that key fact on the website today! I’d love to try shot blocks on my long runs.
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I also tweeted about the giveaway even though it lessens my chances to win. I love Clif shot blocks!!
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I had no idea that Clif had an official marathon pace team. Pacers rock!
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I tweeted your giveaway (@100CalsPerMile)
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I didn’t know Clif made Luna bars! Love Luna bars!!
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I had no idea the blocks came caffinated! Ive only seen the noncaffinated ones here! I am so excited!! I love me a jolt midrun!
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I posted this giveaway on my blog
I didn’t know they made an energy bar for kids! That’s pretty cool
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I didn’t realize they were such big supporters of buying organic. 100 million pounds of organics purchased since 2003 is a lot!
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I had no clue there was a clif family winery!
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I blogged about the giveaway!!
You are listed on my blogroll!!! 🙂
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I tweeted, although I wish I didn’t, it’s going to ruin my chances!
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I like cliff bar on facebook
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I am slow, how did I not know they made Luna bars. Duh!
I learned that Clif has energy gels that are new and improved! I didn’t really know they even made energy gels. I will have to try them out!! 🙂 What a great giveaway!! I would love to try out all the Shot Bloks flavors.
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I am a follower
I just discovered the “C” bars on the website–I’ve never seen those before!
And I like Clif Bar on FB!
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I visited the Clif website and, wow, I never realized how many products they have…even some for kids!
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